miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2015


Another speculation?

The UNIFIED FIELD Theory that is also identified as the SUPER-STRING FIELD, where the Universe consisting of all existing matter -molecules, particles, atoms, nuclei, sub-cores- is escalated from the macroscopic to microscopic laws of nature; scale from standard electric fields through large-scale unified fields, up to super unified scale.

Hagelin inferred that the fundamentals of the Universe, is that this is an intelligent field that unites gravity with electromagnetism, light with video-activity, the nuclear force with all the forces of nature and that all the so called particles of nature -quarks, leptons, neutrons, protons- all seen as one are different waves in one ocean of existence. This is what is called the UNIFIED FIELD and that field is not a field of matter; It is ultimately, the FIELD OF CONSCIOUSNESS in which everything that exists are but vibrations that make the field of superstring.

Comment... thus reaches the Unified Theory that Stephen Hawking talks about in his book "The Grand Design".
In this regard, Hawking says that physics is about developing a "theory of everything", a single framework capable of explaining the properties of nature. That's something (remembers The Times) physicists are seeking since Einstein, but so far it has been impossible to reconcile the quantum theory which realizes the subatomic world with gravity which explains the interaction of objects on a cosmic scale. The so-called M-theory, which unifies the different theories of superstrings achieves that objective, concludes Hawking.

An impossible to demonstrate theory:
Physicists still have trouble defining the M-theories. In fact neither agrees on what meaning to give to that letter. Although it is not the only one pretending, it seeks to encompass the great theories of modern physics (the General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics and the different variations of the String Theory). "It's like throwing the dice in which each side helps to explain the reality being observed", compares Emilio Garcia, astronomer at the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalucia CSIC. For Hawking, the strength of this 'mother of all theories' is that it explains some of the big questions that man has been doing along the time.
In the Universe there are a number of natural forces and physical constants that seem specifically designed for existing life. "It would suffice to change the mass of the proton or the constant of gravity to make life impossible" said Garcia, which leads to belief in a great architect. "Here, M theories and not only them, but other theories that contemplate the idea of multi-Universe, 'solve' the problem, since according to these theories there is not one Universe but many, an infinity of them, each with its own constants of nature" adds the astronomer.
As for the origin of everything, Hawking argues that the M theories allow (perhaps is just an attempt to explain) the formation of Universes spontaneously from nothing. This replaces God. The problem will be to test them. For Garcia, "theories are beyond the scope of our testing".
Hawking in the aforementioned book "The Grand Design" states that ... M-theory is the only candidate to complete theory of the Universe ... that is the Unified Theory that hoped to find Einstein, who lacked lifetime to accept the non-locality of Quantum Physics.
And in relation to this Unified Theory on which Hawking said would describe as the same can provide the answer of Creation, concludes his book by saying: If this theory is confirmed by observation, it will be the culmination of a search that goes back more than three thousand years, we will have found the Great Design. ?????

Back to Hagelin; he concludes that there is a UNIFIED SOURCE, PURE EXISTENCE, PURE INTELLIGENCE OF ALL THAT IS, of all the laws of nature, of all fundamental forces, of all fundamental particles, all the laws that govern life in all levels of the Universe, forming the UNIFIED FIELD, which is the most concentrated intelligent field in nature. It is the unified realm of pure abstraction, not material, dynamic, self-conscious, intelligent, reaching a wide range of vibration waves and giving rise to everything we see; it is the UNIVERSAL OCEAN OF PURE ABSTRACTION, OF ABSTRACT POTENTIAL EXISTENCE, OF ABSTRACT POTENTIAL INTELLIGENCE OF ABSTRACT POTENTIAL CONSCIOUSNESS…

It is then understood that these concepts will define the structure of the UNIFIED FIELD THEORY OR SUPER-STRING THEORY.

I believe that the Theory of Everything is the Quantum Physics… period.

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