viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2015


Let see the point of view of other scientists:
ARE SCIENCE AND FAITH IN GOD COMPATIBLE? (From Science and Faith - Internet)

COMPTON ARTHUR (1892-1962)
1927 Physics Nobel Prize for his discovery of the so-called Compton Effect and the research of cosmic ray and of the reflection, polarization and X-ray spectra:«For me, faith begins with the understanding that a supreme intelligence brought into being the Universe and created man. I can easily have that faith, because the order and intelligence of the cosmos bears witness to the most sublime statement ever made: "In the beginning God created "...»

ARNO PENZIAS (1933-    )
1978 Physics Nobel Prize for his discovery of cosmic background radiation, patterns that other physicists interpreted as evidence that the Universe was created out of nothing or from the Big Bang
«If I had no other data that the first chapters of the Genesis, some of the Psalms and other passages of the Scriptures, I would have reached essentially the same conclusion regarding the origin of the Universe provided by the scientific data»

1945 Medicine Nobel Prize for his research with the penicillin: «The fundamental idea of design or purpose [divine]... stares biologists no matter where they put their eyes... The probability that an event such as the origin of the DNA molecules had occurred randomly is simply too tiny to be considered seriously... »

ARTHUR L. SCHAWLOW (1921-1999)
He shared the 1981 Physics Nobel Prize for the development of laser spectroscopy. «When being face to face with the wonders of life and the Universe one inevitably will ask why the only possible answers are of religious nature... Both in the Universe as in my own life I have need of God»

MAX BORN (1882-1970)
1954 Physics Nobel Prize for his research about Quantum Mechanics: «Only stupid people say that the study of science leads to atheism»

DEREK BARTON (1918-1998)
He shared the 1969 Chemistry Nobel Prize for his contributions in the field of organic chemistry in the development of conformational analysis. «There is no incompatibility between science and religion ... Science proves the existence of God»

One of the winners of the 1972 Chemistry Nobel Prize for his work on the structure of amino acids and the biological activity of ribonucleic enzyme.
«I think only an idiot can be atheist»

1921 Physics Nobel Prize for his work on theoretical physics, in particular, the law of the photoelectric effect: «I just trace the lines that flow from God»

1997 Physics Nobel Prize for the application of lasers to produce temperatures of just a fraction above absolute zero: «There are so many of my colleagues who are Christians that I could not cross my church parish hall without running into a dozen of physicists»

All these Nobel Prize winners are left in the idiocy of the absurd, as Peter W. Atkins (the atheist English chemist) left implicit in his declaration to Rod Liddle (Documentary - December 2008.

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