viernes, 16 de octubre de 2015



Cosmic Odyssey (published by Galileo)
The oldest and perhaps best known of the Big Bang theory problem is that of singularity. The first moment of the Big Bang when density and temperature were infinitely high, is what mathematicians call the singularity. This situation is considered as a flaw in the theory -that is- the laws of physics were not as we know them, and therefore cannot be applied to this case, which represents a serious drawback.
Moreover, the theory postulates the creation of all the mass and energy of the Universe out of nothing in the first instant of time, which seems to represent an extreme violation of the law of conservation of mass / energy.

According to the theory of the Big Bang, before that time, space and time did not exist. Although for some, mixing science with religious ideas, this would be seen as a reasonable interpretation of their religious beliefs, for others the beginning of space and time could be a serious problem.

About the BIG BANG, Salvador Sanchez Melgar writes:

That repulsion of nothingness against the existence served the existence to be contracted, to be wrapped inside outwardly by the nothingness, allowing he last to be out; yet so served to nothingness and existence to have between them a contrariness that would allow both to co-exist that way permanently. So all existence inside, remained separated by al the nothingness that was out.

A huge accumulation of existence increasingly compressed by the repulsion of the nothingness would have provoked the explosion that caused the universal expansion. Perhaps, when the expansion ends to expand, or much earlier, that existence constantly repelled by the nothingness, will concentrate again at some other point where it ceases to expand, or at one point previous to the expansive term, to be compressed again causing a new explosion that most likely would originate a new expansion; and thus once and again, indefinitely.

On the DARK SPACES (following the Big Bang), Sanchez Melgar writes:

The dark spaces of the Universe caused by its expansion (the Big Bang) are spaces of nothingness, which are dark not because the nothingness is dark, but because the existence that remains as contrariness of the nothing, is dark. The nothingness is transparent and invisible, occupying such places as dark space because the expansion itself created them while expanding and because the existence permanently needs the contrariness of nothingness to exist. Actually, these dark spaces are not completely filled with nothingness within their gaps might exist huge areas marred with mixed existence, it would not surprise me that these areas are full of strings and superstrings, which may be formed due to the trail of subatomic existence left by the expansion itself; and it happens that expansion expands straight, which requires that inevitably leave long trails or expansive trends of existence or nonexistence along expansion.

In those huge dark spaces filled with nothingness act extraordinary repulsive forces against large amounts of accumulations of existence that are scattered throughout the universe; that makes those groups of existence that constantly attract each other, also to be pressure from their own nothingness around it; and so that way, those huge concentrations of existence under increasing pressure, could be transformed into an enormous accumulation of heat called ‘star’ and so our Sun originated.

Let’s interpret the great contribution of Sanchez Melgar, trying to answer the following question:

What had existed before the Big Bang?

The accepted scientific hypothesis asserts that at the origin of the Universe, matter and antimatter existed in equal proportions. But matter and antimatter annihilate each other, resulting in pure energy; nevertheless the Universe we observe is composed only of matter. It is unknown why no major structures off antimatter have been found in the Universe

During the Big Bang -like today in space or in earth thunderstorms- both particles were released, but curiously only matter survived... What tipped the balance?

To put it simply, an atom of matter consists of a nucleus of protons and neutrons with electrons orbiting around it. In antimatter, we speak of anti-protons and anti-electrons or positrons. The difference between matter and antimatter would lie only in the fact that load, weight and electrons spin in matter are the same; while antimatter represents the asymmetry that breaks down the balance and generates chaos.
It is speculated that the matter which now forms the Universe could be the result of a slight asymmetry in the initial proportions between matter and antimatter (small excess of matter after the Big Bang). It is estimated that the initial difference between matter and antimatter must have been as insignificant as a particle of matter for every ten billion particle-antiparticle pairs.

So the answer seems to be logical: before the Big Bang all would have been DARK MATTER and DARK ENERGY and a MATTER-ANTIMATTER balance, with absolute predominance of Dark Energy that would have led to the explosion in a dense concentrated tiny point of Dark Matter (the “Singularity”) affecting the matter-antimatter balance in favor of a rising baryonic matter, and causing the DARK MATTER together with the Neutrinos (13,800 million years ago), counted by 73% of the mass of the nascent Universe; the rest being BARYONIC MATTER: photons (15%) and atoms (12%), generated in a random way as a result of the BIG BANG.

About the existence of the laws of nature, it is plausible to give credit to the foundations of "The Laws of Nothingness" by Salvador Sanchez Melgar, with the adjustment of the concepts of NOTHINGNESS and INFINITE SPACE, respecting his logic, to what I would add that within the Infinite Space (accepting the term without the absoluteness), an interaction between Dark Matter and Dark Energy would had currently be; that is, a kind of Law of Gravity that instantly broke generating on one hand the explosion of the Big Bang (because of the enormous pressure of Dark Energy on the concentration of Dark Matter in the “Singularity”; yet –on the other hand- the asymmetry between matter and antimatter (with a predominance of matter), which gave rise to the baryonic matter (photons and atoms) at the time of the Big Bang. Dark Energy would have been left behind at the time of the explosion, thus giving rise to what would had been the FIRST BIG BLACK HOLE (multi-directional) which gave birth to the Universe.

The Dark Energy -formed the Big Bang sort of Black Hole- immediately began to enter and leave replenishing the Law of Gravity, in its interaction with Dark Matter that preceded it. A huge larger proportion of Dark Energy is beyond the space outside the Universe, creating in time with other similar accumulations, new Black Holes into the Universe, giving rise to galaxies. This leads us to believe plausible to say that our Universe is unique and keeps constant interaction with the Infinite Space.


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