“With respect for believers and non-believers”
A 1,200 year old manuscript reveals new information about Jesus Christ and Pontius Pilate. When we thought we knew almost everything about those days and the Last Supper surprise us with new insights that give us a very different approach to how it was.
An ancient Egyptian manuscript written in Coptic and dated to about 1,200 years ago has been translated Professor Roelof van den Broek (Utrechts University), and reveals some previously unknown information about the personality of Jesus himself and some facts that occurred prior to the night he was prisoner to be taken to the cross.
Judas kissed Jesus as the Messiah changed his appearance and manner. According to Van den Broek, the manuscript also explains that Judas kissed Jesus on the cheek in order to point out who of all was at the time of being caught. But the reason is not because the Messiah was someone unknown to those who had gone there to arrest him, but because he had the ability to transform, change shape, appearance and even become invisible.
And so it has elsewhere in the manuscript in which he recounts a surprising and previous encounter between Pontius Pilate and Jesus in the home of the Roman prefect, where they dined together and in which he offered the sacrifice his own son Jesus declined the offer and thanked the gesture, stating that he could take that sacrifice and turned incorporeal in the eyes of Pilate.
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