lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015


Matthew 1.23 (Isaiah 7.14)
 “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, And they shall call his name Immanuel, which is, being interpreted, God with us

Matthew 01.18
Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit

The "Incarnation" is the indemonstrable mystery to our days, but accepted by faith and becoming with more lights. In fact, as time goes on and perhaps, as has been mentioned, the man reaches to dominate the "speed of light" and Quantum Physics, will understand and accept. Note that we are just at the beginning of modern times and probably there are still some centuries to go; we do not know how far it will come.

Meanwhile, paraphrasing and complementing the inspired message of a wise priest, we essay a very plausible explanation to this mystery, which is not intended as a demonstration, but simply as a reflection:

The Universe is (in vibration) energy, the world is energy, every living entity is energy, and man in his “all” is energy and has nested the “divine energy” of the Holy Spirit which explains the omnipresence of God in our lives. There is also, within the energy driving capabilities of man that of telekinesis; besides the countless times proven healing ability of Jesus; and the capacity of many people for healing (energetic influence outwards) and self-healing (energetic influence toward oneself: auto-kinesis) to orientate energy to cellular balance (through the tuning of the energies in vibration).

But with the Mother of Jesus –the Virgin Mary- what might have happened is a special raid of divine spirit that flooded her being, voluntarily leading her -based on the nested special spiritual force (energy) – is the egg naturally occurring two genetic mutations that naturally do not occur together or simultaneously. This would have happened with a spontaneous increase in calcium, which can prepare the egg for fertilization without sperm and propitiated a wrong division, allowing the egg divides without male DNA. This is called PARTHENOGENESIS; a baby without a father (in the normal way sperm into the egg nest and the male and female DNA binding and then return to their place; cells divide and propitiate the formation of the fetus).

Parthenogenesis in humans is a scientific theory, even without verification

When split the resulting displacement of a cell-in asexual reproduction ovulation and nesting it in the matrix (as it can be done scientifically by CLONING). Sure, you can say that asexual ovulation of a cell will cause a being of the same sex as the origin of that cell; therefore, in such base the thesis that Jesus would have been female instead of male could arise. But as every human being -male or female- comes from the active male fluid producing ovulation and nesting in matrix, it is known and accepted that as the man may have cells with information of both sexes, the same applies to women; that means that an asexual ovulation  will not necessarily be of the same sex as the origin of the cell (note that the distribution of chromosomes to the new generation only involves cell division; and that the chromosomes, which are composed of DNA and protein, help to maintain in the cell a large amount of information in an orderly and compact way, where the sexual information resides in the form of homologous chromosomes different from the rest, leading to genetic determination and sex of the individual). Partenogenetic clone.

From the hermetic principle of Gender: "Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles Gender; manifests on all planes” (also principle of Quantum Mechanics)

The Principle of Gender is manifested on all planes of life, material, mental and spiritual. But, as we have said before, but "Gender" does not mean "Sex", sex is merely a material manifestation of gender.

"Gender" means "relating to generation or creation." And wherever anything is generated or created, on any plane, the Principle of Gender must be manifested.

And this is true even in the creation of universes. Now do not jump to the conclusion that we are saying that there is a male and female God Creator. That idea is merely a distortion of the ancient teachings on the subject. The true teaching is that THE ALL, in itself, is above Gender, as it is above every other Law, including those of Time and Space. It is the Law, from which the Laws proceed, and it is not subject to them. But when THE ALL manifests on the plane of generation or Creation, then it acts according to Law and Principle, for it is moving on a lower plane of being. And consequently on the mental plane it manifests the Principle of Gender, in its Masculine and Feminine aspects.

I reiterate, there is no pretension to prove anything, just to have a basis for discussion which would explain the virginity of the Mother of Jesus, which is still a mystery of Faith.

From the book: “Science and God”

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